Pumping Up Your Productivity

Pumping Up Your Productivity

Img_9352If you’ve been reading this blog a while, you know how enamored I am with David Allen’s Getting Things Done.

I love having this workflow diagram to help me quickly deal with the many things in my "IN" box. Follow this link to print off your own copy that fits neatly in a standard 5.5 x 8.5 planner. http://www.douglasjohnston.net/weblog/archives/2005/06/19/gtd-covey-diagrams/

Using www.diyplanner.com allows you to create your own planner pages using your printer, a paper cutter and hole punch. If you’re a homeschooler, you’ll appreciate the flexibility of creating planning and record-keeping pages that fit with how YOU do school. Using this sytem, you can also create inexpensive planners for your kids!

In my next posts, I’ll give you more detailed information about how a paper planner can pump up your productivity (and your students’, too!). 

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