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Praise for Psychowith6…
I have been homeschooling for three years now. We’ve had our ups and downs over the years with a lot of uncertainties. When I found Melanie Wilson’s Homeschool Happy Hour on Periscope, I was immediately grafted into a welcoming, loving homeschool family! Her years of experience homeschooling 6 kids as well as her psychology background, made her voice a daily encouragement to me in my homeschooling journey. She directed me to her Homeschool Sanity Podcast and I absolutely fell in love with it! I could listen to it making dinner, multi-tasking, in the mornings, in the evenings, etc. and every time I would feel empowered like my kids and I could actually thrive doing this thing called homeschooling. Melanie Wilson from Psychowith6 has been used by God to richly bless my life. I am so glad I found her!
I honestly do not know if I would still be a homeschooling mom if hadn’t found this blog. Psychowith6 was the very first blog I searched when considering homeschooling my daughter. I was tired, pregnant with my second, and very reluctant to have my kids home ALL DAY! Melanie’s challenges with step-by-step instructions gave me the confidence that I could successfully educate my kids while having fun! Psychowith6 continues to be a huge blessing for me and my family five years later. I seriously tell all my friends about her site and how it has affected our lives.
As our family began our homeschool journey three years ago, I stumbled upon the Homeschool Sanity podcast. The podcast directed me to Psychowith6.com and I’ve been a follower since.
Psychowith6.com is not the first place I go to simply because it’s a great resource, but because the woman behind the blog is real.
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From The Blog
6 Lies That Keep Us From Praying
If you haven't seen the movie, War Room, I highly recommend it. It's about the victory we can have through prayer. Sadly, too many of us don't pray regularly. I think that's because we have believed the enemy's lies about it. Want to watch the video of this post...
Why I Wasted My Education to Homeschool
I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, but I don't see patients and I don't teach at the university. I gave that up to stay home with my children and homeschool them. The most stinging criticism I received for that choice was: "What a waste." It wasn't "what about...
The Ultimate List of Free Grammar Games
Grammar and writing can be a tedious subject to teach. Fortunately, there are so many amazing free games available to make teaching them fun. Until now, you had to Google your heart out to find them. No more! Below is an organized list of FREE grammar games for...