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Before I even know what I’m doing, when I’m asked what I’ve been up to lately, out pops the token response:


Busy has become the new “fine.” In essence, it’s meaningless.

Beyond Busy: Creative Responses to "Have Have You Been?"

Because I pride myself on being creative with words, I’ve come up with new, unique responses to this standard question.

Before trying them, I want to make sure you understand that I am not liable for any damages that result.

I’ve been overeating, sleeping in ’til noon, and indulging my Internet addiction.

After all, the ‘busy’ response suggests you have a problem with over-commitment. Why not admit to other ways you’re overdoing it?

Haven’t you been keeping up with me on Facebook, Instagram, or my blog?

I mean really. If you’re going to go to all the trouble to let people know how you are, the least these people can do is read it.

I’m not sure.

You’re not, are you? How many of us are entirely certain of how we are emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually. Best not to say with any confidence.

What’s that supposed to mean?

Save this one for the people you really don’t like. They will make a hasty retreat.

How have YOU been?

While I offer the above suggestions with tongue in cheek, I’m serious about this last response. We can cut through the meaningless social niceties to inquire how the people we greet REALLY ARE. When I have taken the time to inquire as to how someone is really getting along, I have been surprised to have people give me more than the ‘busy’ answer. After all, the reason people see psychologists is that they want someone to really listen to them. You can save someone a lot of shrink money.

So how have you been, really?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)