The Most Important To Do

The Most Important To Do

Because I’m a Wonder Woman, I have a lot going on. Maybe you can relate. On a regular basis, I wonder what’s most important in my life, my week, and my day. Should I be spending more time:

Unfortunately, the answer always seems to be YES. They all seem to be important, worthwhile activities. And although I have written about the JOY method for prioritizing my time, the truth is I still struggle on a daily basis with what’s important.

The Bible records the question of a man who was an expert in the law who wanted to test Jesus, but it’s a question I am asking in all sincerity. What’s most important?

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a]38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:35-39)

I have discovered the power of asking a simple question of my bickering children. I don’t tell them what they said was wrong, against the rules, or punishable. I simply ask, “Was what you said loving?” The question has never failed to elicit an honest response. No matter how upset the guilty party is, there is a hanging of the head and a repentant, “No.”

What’s Most Important?

As I’ve struggled lately to determine which to-do’s are most important on my long list, I find that asking myself, “What’s the loving thing to do?” gives me clarity and peace. I look at my husband who’s wondering what’s for dinner while I try to improve my blog design and I know the loving thing to do. As I wonder how to increase my blog readership while quickly scanning others’ posts, I know the loving thing to do. I see my children playing ball outside while I fret about me, me, me, and I know the loving thing to do.

I’m finishing this blog post as I hear my husband and children making plans for active fun. I know the loving thing to do.

What loving thing do you know to do right now?

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What Not to Do

What Not to Do


I was reading the GetOrganizedWizard blog and loved the post on what not to do. I decided not to let the opportunity to blog about it pass me by. I remember hearing an excellent sermon by Dr. S.M. Davis on the fact that God's commands on what not to do are much more important to us as believers than what to do. But no worries. I don't intend to give you a list of God's no-no's. Instead, I'd like to share with you what I've learned not to do given my personality, weaknesses, and circumstances. I'd love to read your list, too!

  • Buy dryclean only clothes (I rarely make it to the cleaners)
  • Keep clothing that needs to be repaired (Even with the supplies I need, it's easier to buy new)
  • Have a rummage sale (I only had to do this once to determine I'd rather give everything away)
  • Garden or work in the yard (No matter how guilty other women who love it have made me feel, it's just not for me)
  • Wash my car (I leave my car outside and it rains often enough)
  • Get manicures (I wish I had great nails, but alas)
  • Wear perfume (It's expensive and I get compliments on the smell of my hairspray anyway)
  • Watch live TV, including the news (I just don't have the time and it usually depresses me anyway)
  • Use a paper calendar (I need the constant alerts via my phone)
  • Play online games (I don't need another addiction!)
  • Iron (unless absolutely necessary)
  • Go to meetings that aren't streamlined (just can't take the time)
  • Buy my boys dress shoes (they hate them)
  • Submit scrapbooking pages online (too much hassle & pressure)
  • Regularly use hand sanitizer (and I'm healthy anyway)
  • Get flu shots (personal decision which everyone is free to make)
  • Regularly spend time with people who make me feel lousy (this is a newer one!)
  • Miss the opportunity to give a compliment or tell someone I love them

In the spirit of my last not to-do, I'd like to say how much I appreciate the time you take to read this blog.

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