I’m so glad you’re here! If you’re looking for recent blog posts, you’re in the right place.

Help for the Anxious Homeschool Mom

Help for the Anxious Homeschool Mom

Homeschool mom, what are you anxious about? I can tell you what I was anxious about as a new homeschooling mom. I was afraid I would fail at teaching my kids. I wasn't a trained teacher, after all. But even though I'm a psychologist, I was also afraid I would fail as...

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How to Trust God to Overcome Sin

How to Trust God to Overcome Sin

Trusting God to overcome the sin in our lives is one of the tougher areas to trust. I know from experience! I'm talking about the besetting sins, the sins that feel like addictions because no matter what you do, you can't seem to change. But we can learn to trust Him...

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The Most Important Areas to Organize This Year

The Most Important Areas to Organize This Year

Soon, we'll be in a new year. It's that time when many of us think of goals like getting organized. You know you're unlikely to organize everything in a year, so what are the most important areas for homeschoolers to focus on? My answer may surprise you. Organize Your...

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How to Trust God with Your Success

How to Trust God with Your Success

It's time for another installment of the Trust Project. This month we will focus on trusting God with our success--success in our homeschools, parenting, work, business, ministry, and more. I'm excited about this focus. [button...

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How to Trust God with Pets and Possessions

How to Trust God with Pets and Possessions

  It's time for another edition of the Trust Project. This month we will discuss how we can trust God with our pets and possessions. This may seem like a more minor issue than some others we've addressed in this project. But I know from experience that it can be...

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How to Trust God with Your Friendships

How to Trust God with Your Friendships

Do you trust God with your friendships? Do you believe He will provide you with friends? That He will provide your kids with good friendships? Do you worry about a friend's health or salvation? That's this month's topic in the Trust Project. [button...

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How to Trust God with Your Parents

How to Trust God with Your Parents

Many of us homeschooling moms not only have fears about our children but about our parents as well. This month in the Trust Project we will focus on trusting God with our parents. [button link="http://ultimateradioshow.com/trustparents" type="big" color="orange"...

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How Homeschooling Can Be a Fulfilling Career

How Homeschooling Can Be a Fulfilling Career

I wrote what became a very popular blog post about why I wasted my education to homeschool.  I will summarize by saying that there were people in my life who thought trading in a PhD in psychology and clinical practice in a Christian clinic to homeschool was a waste,...

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How to Trust God with Your Finances

How to Trust God with Your Finances

Trusting God with our finances can be tough. But if we are going to complete this Trust Project, we have to deal with our fears about money. Have your Trust Project printables ready, and let's do this! [button link="http://ultimateradioshow.com/trustmoney" type="big"...

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How to Handle a Troublemaking Child

How to Handle a Troublemaking Child

I hear from many parents who have a child who antagonizes siblings, rebels against them, or otherwise makes life difficult. I have six strategies for turning your troublemaker into a terrific child. [button link="http://ultimateradioshow.com/troublemaker" type="big"...

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