How to Trust God with Your Success

How to Trust God with Your Success

It’s time for another installment of the Trust Project. This month we will focus on trusting God with our success–success in our homeschools, parenting, work, business, ministry, and more. I’m excited about this focus.

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Before I jump in, I want to share something with you. I want to give you a sneak peek at something I’m working on to help you have success in living the Organized Homeschool Life. I’ve written the book that gives you 15-minute missions to organize your life all year. Some moms take the book and enjoy success with it alone.

Others wonder how to fit even 15-minute missions into their days. That’s why I created the Organized Homeschool Life planner. You take a few minutes to plan every important thing into your day–your time with God, your dinner, your relationship focus, your priority tasks, and even a reward for a day well spent.

But there are some moms who tell me they want me to come home with them and their book and planner and help them get organized. I really wish I could because I know if we worked together to implement a few simple organizing strategies, your life would be transformed. You’d be living the organized homeschool life this year!

I’m working on a way for us to work together to make that happen. I’m so excited about it because it incorporates everything I know about life change and being a busy homeschool mom. I’m calling it Organized Homeschool LIVE. If you want more details as soon as they’re available, join the waitlist.

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What are the benefits of trusting God with your success?

For me, it’s not worrying, of course. But I read something this week that listed so many benefits of trusting God. They are: not getting angry, not getting offended, not being vengeful or bitter, upset, disappointed, annoyed, envious, dissatisfied, and on and on. Amazing, right?

That leads us to see what we will stop doing if we are trusting God for our success. Some things we may start doing is getting busy on what the Lord wants us to do. I don’t know about you, but I waste so much time on the negative emotions I just listed. I could be incredibly productive if I wasn’t sucked into that negative place. I’ll know I’m trusting God in this area if I am productive and content. How about you?

The T in TRUST is for Truth.

Our verse to meditate on this month is Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” I’m going to add Romans 8:28 to this which reads: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” We must meditate on these Scriptures until we fully believe them.

Our biblical account this month is Genesis 41. This is the story of Joseph being brought out of prison and put in charge of Egypt. Not only do we see that God was in control of Joseph’s fate the whole time but Egypt’s success was also in the Lord’s hands. Genesis 41 isn’t just a story. It’s His story. It happened. God can be trusted with our success and our loved one’s success.

This month when you are fearful about the results of anything in your life, write down your thoughts and respond to each of them with truth. God will work ALL things together for our good.

The R in TRUST is for remembering.

How has God worked all things together for your good in the past? My friend, who was the host of a radio program for years, had suggested that I take over for her when she retired. We both looked forward to that possibility. She was a mentor to me and my kids would be older when she was ready to retire. It didn’t work out. The ministry group she worked for ended the radio program. She was disappointed and so was I.

But not long afterward, Felice Gerwitz created the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network and asked me to start a podcast. This podcast has allowed me to reach the women I most relate to–homeschooling moms. It has helped me to inspire kids to love reading and writing through Grammar Galaxy, and it has allowed me to speak to thousands of homeschooling parents through Great Homeschool Conventions. God had other plans for me.

The U in TRUST is for Understanding.

What wisdom has God already given you for success? We want to trust and obey that wisdom. I can give you an example. I know that if I don’t write Grammar Galaxy first thing it won’t happen. Even though I know this, I have to battle with myself daily not to skip it in lieu of something more pressing. I’ve learned that success comes from consistency. So to be successful in my business I have to trust and obey this principle.

In my homeschool, I’ve heard time and time again from veteran homeschool moms that things work out. God provides for our kids. That doesn’t mean that I don’t teach them, but it does mean that I can relax about the future. My experience so far is that the veterans were right. My kids have succeeded despite my multiple pregnancies and the fact that I didn’t use demanding curriculum.

The S in TRUST is for Supplication.

What do you need to pray about? Instead of worrying and working so much in our homeschools, we can ask God for help. He loves to hear our prayers because it means we aren’t depending on ourselves for success.

I am getting ready to launch a completely new resource for homeschool organization, Organized Homeschool LIVE. I believe it will be life changing. But I don’t know if my audience will invest in it. I am praying that those who can benefit from it will join me. But if they don’t, I know that God will use that change in focus for my good. When I pray, I can rest in knowing that the results are up to the Lord. You can rest too.

The T in TRUST is for Thanksgiving.

We not only thank God for the success we’ve already enjoyed but the future success we will have. I am not speaking from a prosperity gospel mindset here. Instead of thanking God for full-ride scholarships for my kids in the future, I can thank God for the amazing blessings that homeschooling and having a homeschool business have provided. And I can thank Him that no matter what the future holds, I will be successful in having the good life God has planned. Even the surprises and disappointments will be worked together for my good in His hands. What a promise that is! I feel better just saying it. I hope you do too.

We can trust God to make us successful. The benefits of that trust are so worth it.

What keeps you from trusting God with your success? Let me know in the comments.

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How to Trust God with Pets and Possessions

How to Trust God with Pets and Possessions


It’s time for another edition of the Trust Project. This month we will discuss how we can trust God with our pets and possessions. This may seem like a more minor issue than some others we’ve addressed in this project. But I know from experience that it can be a challenge.

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Trusting God with Friendships

How did trusting God with friendships go for you last month? It seems as though the enemy is challenging me greatly with every topic we cover. This month, a dear new friend of ours was given an unexpected terminal diagnosis. I spent a lot of time with God on this one. It’s hard. But I have to believe that God loves him, his family, and you and me. This upsetting news doesn’t change what’s true about God.

Why Trust God with Pets and Possessions

We will begin talking about pets and possessions the way we usually do. What are the benefits of trusting God with our pets and possessions? For me, I will have less worry, stress, and conflict with my family. What will I stop doing if I trust God in this area? I will stop threatening my husband if he allows our new puppy to get hurt or killed. Poor guy. I will stop thinking about what could happen to family photos in the event of a fire or storm. What will I start doing? I will start reflecting on the fact that God cares about my pets, and that he even cares about my photo albums and mementos, like the afghan my grandmother made for me. How will I know I’m trusting God in this area? I won’t have the anxiety and irritation I’ve had around the thought of losing my pets and possessions. I hope you answered those questions along with me.

T is for TRUTH

Now let’s work through our TRUST acronym. What is the truth about our pets and possessions? Our Scripture to meditate on is Nahum 1:7:

When we lose things of value, it’s easy for the enemy to suggest that God doesn’t care, when He absolutely does.

Our biblical account is from Job, Chapter 1. Job lost his children and his possessions, his animals. There is much to be learned from Job’s experience, but what gives me peace for this topic is that nothing was outside of God’s control. There are people who believe God created us and then left us without help. That is not the case. God is not too busy or so hard that He doesn’t care when a beloved pet dies or a fire takes all our worldly possessions. Like Job, we may never know the purpose God has in allowing these losses. But we can absolutely know that He cares. This month when you have thoughts that God doesn’t care, write them down and refute them with the truth.

The R is TRUST is for Remembering.

How has God proven Himself trustworthy with pets and possessions in the past?

I lost a puppy after three weeks of sheer joy. It hit me harder than I ever imagined it would. The day after she died, I had to travel three hours, early in the morning to a volleyball match. My daughter told me that the mom I was closest to wouldn’t be there. I had experienced several disappointments with my adult kids just prior to this. I felt so lost when I arrived at the tournament. Not a Job-like experience, I know. But it was all I could do not to sob in the stands.

But then the parents of another girl on my daughter’s team asked me to come sit with them. The mom kept reminding me how much God loved me. I hadn’t told them what had been going on. Then the two of them shared some of their adult children’s disappointing behavior but their belief that God wasn’t finished with them yet. I was so encouraged. I knew God cared because he had these dear believers minister to me.

I have since brought another sweet puppy home and our hearts are healing. God answered my prayer for healing and joy.

Over the years, God has been faithful with losses of vehicles, investments, and even photos. He is trustworthy! He has either restored what was lost or He has given me peace.

The U in TRUST is for Understanding.

What wisdom has God given you to believe and obey? Before I adopted our first puppy this year, I did not know that unvaccinated pups should not be allowed in public places where deadly viruses can live. I am going to obey that wisdom to keep my dog safer.

I have also moved all of my photos out of my basement where water leaking from appliances above is more likely to damage them. Of course, backing up digital and all precious photos is more wisdom to obey.

The S in TRUST is for Supplication.

What is your prayer in addition to having more faith? I pray that our pets will be safe and healthy, that are vehicles will keep running, and that our home will remain standing.

The T in TRUST is for Thanksgiving.

What can we thank God for now and in the future? My son’s car that we purchased for our family and were financing for him was totaled this week. It will be more expensive for him going forward, but we are so grateful to God that he is okay and that we have insurance that will help pay for a new vehicle.

I am also so thankful for the joy our dogs have given us. I’m thankful for the memories that my photos captured. And I’m thankful that God has provided through thick and thin.

I pray that you will grow in your ability to trust God with your pets and possessions this month.

Have you lost a pet or a possession that has been difficult to let go of? Tell me about in the comments.

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How to Trust God with Your Friendships

How to Trust God with Your Friendships

Do you trust God with your friendships? Do you believe He will provide you with friends? That He will provide your kids with good friendships? Do you worry about a friend’s health or salvation? That’s this month’s topic in the Trust Project.

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Why trust God with your friendships?

What are the benefits of trusting God with our friendships? One unique benefit is an increased likelihood of recognizing the new friends God has for us. Another benefit is peace and joy as we believe the Lord will work all things together for our good and our friends’ good.

What will we stop doing if we trust God with our friends? We’ll stop worrying about having enough friends for sure. And we may stop keeping to ourselves, suffering loneliness or difficult relationships in silence. Instead, we may start reaching out to new people, taking risks, and putting space in unhealthy relationships. We’ll know we’re trusting God with our friendships if we pray more than we worry and we recognize God’s activity in our friendships.

Let’s work through the TRUST acronym when it comes to friendships.

T is for truth.

Our Scripture to meditate on is Proverbs 18:24:

Have you ever had unreliable friends? Boy, I have! I have been so hurt and disappointed, but I have a friend who is always reliable. And so do you. Jesus is our friend who always says and does the right thing at the right time.

Our Scriptural account is from Mark, chapter 2. Jesus heals a paralyzed man when his friends lower him through the roof. The Scripture says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

I’m not going to argue that our faith can save our friends, but I am going to say that our faith is effective. Do you have unbelieving friends as I do? Know that Jesus hears your prayers and sees your faith on their behalf.

This month, when you have thoughts that lead you to distrust God with your friendships, write them down. Then respond to them with truth. If you think, “I’ll never make new friends at my church, in this small town, or as a homeschooler,” refute that with truth. God gave David a very unlikely friend in Jonathan, didn’t He?

The R in TRUST is for Remember.

Remember God’s faithfulness in this area in the past. Do I have some remembrances to share with you!

I had a new homeschooling friend who had a heart attack and was in critical condition shortly after we became acquainted. Two surgeries and several years of great friendship later, I learned that she had had another heart attack. The doctors saw no hope for her. I was mourning her when I believed the Lord rebuked me for this and encouraged me to ask for a miracle. I asked friends and family on Facebook to pray, knowing there was a good chance that prayer wouldn’t be answered. When soon afterward I saw her wake up and recognize me, I had joy like I had never had before!

In the meantime, I heard from an acquaintance who was not a believer. She knew our friend was in the hospital and things weren’t good. She said she would pray, but I assumed that she meant something other than praying to THE God. Soon after our friend was in recovery, she called me and told me that while she wasn’t looking for Jesus, Jesus came looking for her. She had received Christ as her Savior! I honestly didn’t believe that God would change someone like her, but God is still in the heart surgery business. She is now one of my dearest friends in Christ.

The U in TRUST is for Understanding.

Often God gives us wisdom and it’s up to us to act on it. I’ll give you a current example. I have been a member of a new church for two years and have yet to form a new friendship there. I can keep praying for friends, but I know that the best way to make friends is to attend a small group Bible study — something I haven’t been doing consistently. That’s my plan going forward.

A number of years ago I was a part of a small group that God was calling me to leave. I didn’t want to leave it and risk losing friendships, even though some of them were difficult relationships, so I didn’t. The consequences of that choice were painful and still are to this day.

What understanding has God given you for friendships that you haven’t acted upon?

The S in TRUST is for Supplication.

This is where we pray after meditating on God’s truth, remembering His faithfulness, and acting on the understanding He’s already given.

Four years ago, I was lonely. Many of my homeschooling friends had moved on. I prayed for friendships and I asked a family member to pray as well. The answer came in an unexpected way. I started a Facebok group, then called HomeschoolScopes. Using live video, many of us made dozens of close homeschooling friends. I have met many of these women in person since then and I continue to talk to some of them daily. If you’re a homeschooling mom, join us in the Homeschool Sanity Circle on Facebook. But more importantly, pray about your friendships and your family’s friendships.

The T in TRUST is for Thanksgiving.

Thank God for the way He’s worked in your friendships in the past. I have experienced distance in friendships that at first I grieved but now am thankful for. I see God’s protection and grace in these changes. Thank God for your current friendships and thank Him that He will continue to provide you and your family with the friendships you need.

I am thankful for the friendships I have made through this blog! It’s such a blessing to hear from you, to get to know you better, and to have your prayers on my behalf. Please feel free to email me at psychowith6 at any time.

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How to Trust God with Your Parents

How to Trust God with Your Parents

Many of us homeschooling moms not only have fears about our children but about our parents as well. This month in the Trust Project we will focus on trusting God with our parents.

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Why trust God with your parents?

What are the benefits of trusting God with our parents? For me, the benefits are less time spent worrying, a better relationship with my mom who is still living, and certainly a better relationship with God. What are the things we will stop doing this moth? I hope worrying is one of those. Perhaps we will stop trying to control our parents’ choices. If you have a parent who is not a believer, you might stop witnessing to them when it feels forced or fear based. What things will we start doing if we’re trusting God with our parents? Perhaps we will enjoy our time with them in the moment. If you are estranged from a parent, perhaps you will reach out to them. Or if your relationship with a parent is an unhealthy one, you might allow God to meet the needs that an earthly parent isn’t meeting. How will you know that you’re trusting God with your parents? You might have peace of mind, better conversations, or fewer conflicts with siblings over what to do about a parent’s care.

Next, we will work through the TRUST acronym.

T is for truth.

I love this Scripture. One of the fears we can have as our parents age is that we are now responsible for their care. Certainly we bear some responsibility, but God has never left our mom and dad. He is caring for them and we can rely on Him for that as much as we can rely on His care for us.

Our Bible account is Genesis 43. Joseph meets with his brothers in Egypt and asks after his aging father. It’s clear that Joseph is concerned about him. But he learns that he is alive and well. God had sustained him just as he had Joseph, even though he had suffered great sorrow in the loss of his son. God knows the number of our parents’ days and is in control of them. In fact, He doesn’t need our help to keep them alive and well.

This month, record the thoughts that lead you to distrust God with your parents. Then refute them with the truth. Repeat Scripture or just truths you would share with a friend who had the same fears.

The R in TRUST is for Remember.

At one time I thought my dad would suffocate and die. He had COPD. I know he thought that is how he would die as well. I also feared that my dad hadn’t put his faith in Jesus Christ. I wasn’t doing the Trust Project then, but I want to share what happened.

I received a call that my dad needed surgery and had only a 50% chance of survival. I was beside myself with grief. I cried out to the Lord for his life, opened the Bible randomly, and read words that gave me confidence he would live. He did.

A few years later, I happened to call my dad a day early for our weekly chat. Typically, when I had other plans on our chat night, I would forget to call until the next day. This was before I had a smart phone that would remind me. In our conversation, my dad affirmed his faith in Jesus. I was so happy. The next night, the night I would have normally called, I got a call from my mom instead. My dad had had a heart attack and died quickly thereafter. My father didn’t suffocate. And I knew where he would wake up. God can be trusted to care for our parents.

Remember how God has been faithful where your parents are concerned.

The U in TRUST is for Understanding.

What wisdom has God already given you for your relationship with or care of your parents. When a friend was caring for both her parents in their home, I sent her a book that was just for caregivers. She said it was a great help to her in a very trying situation. She knew from that book that it was critical for her to have respite care and take breaks. No sense crying out to God for help if you’re not using the wisdom He has already given you.

The S in TRUST is for Supplication.

For years I prayed that my mom who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 18 years ago would have more strength. The Lord answered that prayer far above and beyond what I imagined was possible. My mother’s illness went into remission two years ago. She is currently working as a caregiver for someone else.

Present your requests for your parents to God and believe that He hears them and will answer in His love and wisdom.

The T in TRUST is for Thanksgiving.

My father died when I was 31. He only met two of my children. I wanted more time with him, and I still miss him so much. But even as I mourn, I thank God for a father that was good enough to miss. What a blessing he was for over 30 years. I am thankful my dad is with Jesus and that he wouldn’t return here even if given the choice. I am thankful too that the Lord gave me men who served as fathers in my life after he passed.

Thanking God really does help to heal our hearts when something in our relationship with parents is lacking.


We can have peace and even joy where our parents are concerned when we believe the truth, remember God’s faithfulness, understand the wisdom He has already given us, pray for them, and thank God for all He’s done in our parents’ lives and in ours.

How do you struggle to trust God with your parents? Comment and let me know.

How to Trust God with Your Kids

How to Trust God with Your Spouse

How to Trust God with Your Finances

How to Trust God with Your Health & Safety

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How to Trust God with Your Finances

How to Trust God with Your Finances

Trusting God with our finances can be tough. But if we are going to complete this Trust Project, we have to deal with our fears about money. Have your Trust Project printables ready, and let’s do this!

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What are the benefits of trusting God with our finances?

First, we won’t experience all the negative effects of anxiety: the sleepless nights, the G.I. distress, and the conflicts that inevitably occur as a result of financial worry. But we will likely make better choices when we are trusting God with our finances as well. Perhaps we won’t take risks or a job that isn’t a good fit for our family simply for the sake of making more money. When we trust God with our finances, we have the opportunity to see Him provide in ways we never even dreamed of. When we are striving to manage our finances ourselves, we will invariably take the credit for any extra cash that comes our way.

What will you start and stop doing if you are trusting God with your finances?

We want to ask ourselves things we will stop doing and start doing if we are trusting God with our finances. Maybe we will stop worrying, stop going over and over our accounts, and stop nagging one another about spending habits. Perhaps we will start praying with our spouse specifically about our financial needs and we will start earnestly looking for God’s provision. Perhaps we will start a financial course such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.

What are the benefits of trusting God with your finances?

We will ask ourselves the benefits of trusting God in this area. I covered a few of them already, but likely our mood, our health, and our relationships will improve when we are trusting God with our finances.

T – the Truth about trusting God with finances

Now let’s discuss the T in trust. It stands for truth. Our Scripture to meditate on this month is 1 Timothy 6:17.

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”

Our Bible account is the feeding of the five thousand from Matthew 14. God isn’t hindered by any obstacles in meeting our needs. Whether our spouse is unemployed, the medical bills are mounting, or the economy takes a nosedive, God is still able to provide and provide abundantly.

Any time this month you have thoughts that lead you to mistrust God with your finances, record them on your Trust project printables. Respond to these thoughts with truth, whether that truth comes directly from Scripture or from what you know to be true. You might respond to a fear of being bankrupted by dental expenses, which is a thought I have honestly had recently, with a more reasoned appraisal of your ability to cover the expenses with financing, moving money in the budget, or asking God for extra income.

R – remembering God’s faithfulness with finances

The R in trust is for remembering. Remember God’s faithfulness to you with your finances. As a single woman, I was terrified that God would not provide for me financially. I had two credit cards. I would borrow from one to pay the minimum payment on the other. Not the best financial plan, right? When I met my husband, my financial status changed and so did my money habits. I know God provided for me in the form of my husband, but the truth is every time before that that I feared I would be out on the streets, God provided for all my needs.

U – understanding God’s wisdom for your finances

The next letter in our trust acronym is U for understanding. What wisdom has God given you in this area? My sister-in-law tells a funny story of her first days as a self-supported missionary. She literally sat at home, waiting for people to call and come over and deliver the finances that she needed to do her work. That is until her ministry leaders made it clear that she was to go out and ask for support.

When I evaluate my single days of financial trial, it’s easy to see my errors in judgment. For example, I lived alone in my apartment. Had I roomed with another graduate student, my housing expenses would’ve been cut in half. Had I paid cash for my recreational activities, I would have realized I was out of money long before I got the overdraft fees that were a regular occurrence in my life. We are blessed to have so much financial wisdom at our disposal. If you need financial education, Crown Financial is another excellent place to start.

S – Supplication for our finances

The S in trust is for supplication. We pray for our financial needs to be met, but we don’t dictate how they will be met. Or when. I once listened to a pastor’s sermon in which he said everyone wants a miracle, but no one wants to be in a position to need one. So true. Sometimes God will miraculously provide your needs financially at the last minute, without providing us with the immediate security we crave.

For years, my husband and I lived in fear that the company he worked for would go out of business. That fear hung like a cloud over our financial decisions. Of course, we prayed that my husband would keep his job. But one day, after 15 years of fear, it happened. The company was sold and my husband’s commissions were being cut off. Within about two weeks, however, my husband was offered a job with a competing company. His work with that company has been a joy. While with the former company, my husband constantly bemoaned the poor customer service and resulting disgruntled customers, the new company made those concerns a thing of the past. Our finances improved as a result of the job loss. We prayed that my husband’s company would stay intact. But we are so thankful God answered our prayer in a better way. Our prayer should be for God to meet our needs in the best way.

T- thanking God for our finances

The second T in trust is for thanksgiving. You’ve heard how rich we are in first-world countries compared to so many other places. It can be hard to believe that when you’re getting bills you can’t pay and you are unemployed. But it’s still true that we have advantages that much of the world would and do risk their lives to have. If we are not expressing gratitude for what God has already given us, why should He entrust us with more? I ask that not to invoke fear, but to provoke true gratitude. Thank Him today for His provision.


One of my favorite books about trusting God with finances is the biography of George Muller. I find lots of opportunities to talk about this book because I love it so much. Read it to your children and show them how God does provide, especially when our motives match His. We aren’t to believe God for a lottery win, but we are to believe Him for everything we need to raise our families and fulfill our calling.

Do you have a financial need I can pray for? Comment and tell me below.

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How to Trust God with Your Marriage or Single Parenting

How to Trust God with Your Marriage or Single Parenting

Trusting God with our marriage or with life as a single parent is our project for this month.

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Trusting God with Kids: Progress Report

As usual, I’d like to begin by talking about how trusting God went last month. Our topic was trusting God with our kids. My daughter did not develop whooping cough, but she did get another diagnosis that we are praying will be treated effectively. I also had to trust my teen driver to get this same daughter to volleyball camp with a 40-minute drive in rush hour. And I always have to trust God with the choices my adult kids make.

This project has made a big difference in my anxiety level and has decreased the time I spend worrying. I pray that it is helping you too. I read a wonderful devotion in My Weakness for His Strength, Volume 2 by Michael Wells this morning. Michael wrote that the world attempts to brainwash us night and day that there is no God and even if there is, He does nothing on our behalf. We have to resist these lies by renewing our minds. That’s what the Trust Project is all about.

Why Trust God with Your Marriage or Single Parenting?

The first question to answer using your Trust Project printables is what are the benefits of trusting God with our marriage or with single parenting?

I know I will have a much happier marriage and much less stress. My faith in God will grow as I see the Lord working in and through my husband.

What Will Be Different if You Trust God with Your Marriage or Single Parenting?

Next, what will you stop and start doing if you are trusting God in this area? I will stop the compulsion to remind my husband to put safety first. I will believe that God is in control of my husband’s life and wellbeing. I will start praying for my husband more. I will add his safety and faith to my prayer list.

The next question is what would trusting God with marriage or single parenting look like? For me, it would mean telling my husband to have a good time on his outings without a safety reminder. It would mean entrusting Him to God in prayer. It would mean believing that God gives me guidance through my husband’s decisions.

Marriage and Single Parenting: TRUST

Now let’s move into our TRUST acronym. T is for truth. What is the truth about God and marriage or single parenting? Our Scripture to meditate on is 1 John 4:16:

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

Whether we are single or married, God loves us. We can rely on that. He will work all things together for our good. Our biblical account is from 1 Samuel 25. This is about Abigail who was in an unhappy marriage. She keeps David from avenging himself on her husband. She says something remarkable to him:

“The Lord your God will certainly make a lasting dynasty for my lord, because you fight the Lord’s battles, and no wrongdoing will be found in you as long as you live.”

The respect she pays him and the belief in him had to have bowled David over. We know that when the Lord took her husband’s life, David married her. We can trust God to care for us even if our husbands aren’t trustworthy.

The next part of truth is addressing lies we believe in this area. One lie that I think both singles and married women believe is that we won’t make it without a husband.

I had a single friend whose car broke down. She prayed aloud. “Lord, You are my husband. If I had an earthly husband, he would take care of this car for me. But I don’t, so it’s all on You.” You can imagine what happened. The Lord sent kindly men to get her back on the road.

Another lie I’ve believed is that God only works through me and not my husband. In other words, there are some truths that only I have been privileged to understand. While it is true that my husband has made mistakes — don’t we all — I know I can trust God to protect me while I am under my husband’s leadership. Whenever I doubt this, I think of poor Sara who found herself in a Pharoah’s harem because of her husband’s decision. She was not only delivered but praised for continuing to honor her husband.

The R in TRUST is for remembering. How has God proved Himself trustworthy in your marriage or singlehood? There was a time in my marriage when I felt that I was destined to stay unhappy. I was so miserable because of the circumstances (and to honor my husband, I want to make it clear that he had not been unfaithful). I had no other option but to cry out to the Lord for help in changing my heart. That prayer was answered in less than a day. My love for my husband and my happiness were supernaturally restored.

The U in TRUST is for understanding. What has God made clear that you should do with respect to your marriage or singlehood? When my husband drives, I already know that I need to stop “bracing for impact” as he calls it.  I have to pay him respect, even when he does something I disagree with.

The S in TRUST is for supplication. We pray for our needs to be met, apart from a relationship. We ask how we can serve God and our spouse better. And, of course, we pray for our spouses, believing that God hears our prayers for their faith, health, success, and relationships. We can ask for our husbands’ prayer requests. And we can make time to pray together. The divorce rate for couples who pray together is very, very low.

The final T in TRUST is for thanksgiving. Take time today to thank God for His provision in your single parenting or for your husband. I hear from moms all the time who are unhappy with their husbands’ traits that are so different from their own. But God puts opposite strengths together all the time with good reason. Thank God for that. Thank God for all the blessings He has given to your man. I am so thankful that the stroke my husband this March was not severe and that he is recovering.

The T in thanksgiving is also to remind us to thank those who protect and care for us, spouses included. When I was a single woman in college, an older gentleman from my church would come and get my car and have it serviced for me.  What a blessing! I thanked him for his help with a sincere heart. But I am reminded today that I need to thank my husband for all the things he does for me and our family. I hope you’ll do the same.

Trust God with your singlehood or with your marriage. He is worthy of our trust. Next month, we’ll talk about trusting God with finances. So get all your worry about money out now. Just kidding!

Which is a bigger struggle for you: trusting God with your kids or your marriage? Comment and let me know.

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