How to Know if You’re Doing Enough in Your Homeschool

How to Know if You’re Doing Enough in Your Homeschool

One of the most common concerns I hear from new homeschoolers is whether or not they're doing enough. If that's your question, regardless of how long you've been homeschooling, I have six ways you can know that you're doing enough in your homeschool. [button...

How Homeschooling Can Be a Fulfilling Career

How Homeschooling Can Be a Fulfilling Career

I wrote what became a very popular blog post about why I wasted my education to homeschool.  I will summarize by saying that there were people in my life who thought trading in a PhD in psychology and clinical practice in a Christian clinic to homeschool was a waste,...

How to Choose the Right Homeschool Curriculum

How to Choose the Right Homeschool Curriculum

Choosing homeschool curriculum is one of the most challenging tasks for a home educator, especially for someone new to homeschooling. I want to give homeschooling families sanity when it comes to choosing the right curriculum. [button...

How to Be Happy and Homeschool Too

How to Be Happy and Homeschool Too

You've read the title for this blog post. Are you wondering if I'm suggesting that happiness and homeschooling are mutually exclusive? Yep. That's exactly what I'm suggesting. I'm thankful my friends Andy and Kendra Fletcher were the first to be honest about it,...

Your Parenting Approach: Homeschooling, the First Year

Your Parenting Approach: Homeschooling, the First Year

When I began homeschooling, I immediately discovered that disciplining my children was central to my homeschooling success. If I couldn't get them to obey me, I couldn't teach them. Even though I'm a psychologist, I spent a lot of time reading about how to discipline....

Scheduling: Homeschooling, the First Year

Scheduling: Homeschooling, the First Year

A schedule or homeschool routine is a must for a new homeschooler. But it's easy to take the wrong approach when it comes to scheduling. I chatted with our new homeschoolers on the podcast and Jolene shared her schedule with me for the blog. [button...

Gaps in Your Homeschool Education: Should You Be Worried?

Gaps in Your Homeschool Education: Should You Be Worried?

You started off with one math curriculum and switched. You taught history using unit studies and then switched to a chronoligical approach. You've been studying some science topics in depth and others you haven't touched on. Should you be worried? [button...

Curriculum Paralysis: Deciding Which Curriculum to Use This Year

Curriculum Paralysis: Deciding Which Curriculum to Use This Year

Do you have so many curriculum options that you don't know what to use? That was the problem one of my readers had. I could relate. After all, the longer you homeschool, the more books you purchase, and the tougher the decisions can be. Here is how I've overcome this...

Goals and Devotions: Homeschooling, the First Year

Goals and Devotions: Homeschooling, the First Year

New homeschoolers often struggle to articulate their goals. They're in there somewhere, but if they aren't made clear, these new home educators are likely to be disappointed and discouraged. [button link="" type="big"...

Trust But Verify: My Homeschool Mom Guilt

Trust But Verify: My Homeschool Mom Guilt

If you have homeschool mom guilt, you're in good company. We all do. Today I want to help you feel better by sharing just one example of my guilt. And it's a good one. You may have heard about my Quarterly Planner printable. I developed it at the end of one school...

A Sane Approach to Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

A Sane Approach to Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

I am not new to homeschooling. I've heard of Charlotte Mason (of course) and I've done some reading about her educational philosophy. I've thoroughly checked out the Ambleside website, dedicated to providing resources for Charlotte Mason homeschooling. But can I be...

Who Says You’re Not Qualified to Homeschool?

Who Says You’re Not Qualified to Homeschool?

I had just met a woman in ministry when I told her that after I finished my Ph.D. in clinical psychology, I wanted to be a Christian psychologist. "You can't just be a Christian psychologist," she said. I tried to listen to what she said after that about...

The Best Homeschool Hack: Organize All Year

The Best Homeschool Hack: Organize All Year

You spent so much time organizing the books, supplies, and notebooks at back-to-school time and now...they're a mess. The kids can't find their notebook, binder, or workbox that you knew would solve all your organizing problems. And for that matter, they can't even...

How to Have a Saner Homeschool Year

How to Have a Saner Homeschool Year

If you're a new homeschooler, you may be understandably anxious. You want your first year to go well. After all, you have a lot riding on it! You may have had to convince family members that homeschooling is the right choice. You may have quit working or cut back to...

A Homeschooler’s Daily To-Do List

A Homeschooler’s Daily To-Do List

Want a copy of this daily to-do list to print and place in a page protector or frame to use with a dry-erase marker? Click here: To-Do List Please!When you're a new homeschooler or even when you're experienced, you can become overwhelmed by everything you think you...

The Most Motivating Homeschool Planner Ever

The Most Motivating Homeschool Planner Ever

If you're anything like me, you've spent way too much time trying to make digital homeschool planners work for you, when they just don't! That's why I created the Easiest Homeschool Record System Ever that you can easily customize for your kids. I still think...

What I Learned Sending My Homeschooled Child to Public School

What I Learned Sending My Homeschooled Child to Public School

I wrote about sending my son, who had been homeschooled his whole life, to high school as a junior. It's hard to believe that was three school years ago. I know there are many homeschooling parents who have wondered if they should send their children to school,...