This week we prepare our Bible and character curriculum. For me and my children, it is the most important subject we cover. Sometimes it’s more for me than for them! It’s hard to be impatient and lazy when you’re teaching your children on these subjects. If you don’t have to plan this aspect of your school year, either take this week off or look at the bottom of the post for a challenge you didn’t do or didn’t spend the necessary time on.
#1 Prep primary curriculum
There are many options for Bible curriculum, depending on your family’s beliefs. I have appreciated Firm Foundations which helps my children see Jesus in the entirety of Scripture. I don’t need much prep time in using it, except that I decided to use our laptop connected to our TV to look up all the verses at once on I then have the kids take turns reading them. Having the kids look all of them up takes too long. We have also rotated through a curriculum that is no longer available that helps my children understand the Bible from a cultural and historical standpoint. I highly recommend using a similar curriculum for a year that does this at some point in your homeschooling. Finally, I can’t say enough about taking a year to teach apologetics as part of your Bible study. I have lent my Answers for Kids curriculum to friends who also loved it. My review can be found here. Take some time today to get your Bible materials organized for the new school year.
#2 Prep memory curriculum
I want my children to not just understand the Bible, and be able to defend the Bible, but hide the Word in their hearts. I use an out-of-print book for teaching the theme of each Bible book and the names in order. I use Memlok for Bible memory, doing it as a family on our screen. Nothing has been more effective for helping me memorize Scripture, though there are many options including church classes that can help. Today, spend time getting organized so Bible memory is a part of your family’s life. I have some ideas pinned for you on Pinterest.
#3 Prep character curriculum
One would hope that studying the Bible and memorizing God’s Word would automatically translate into godly character. I have found my kids need a little more help with this! I have enjoyed Character Building for Families and Lessons in Responsibility for this purpose. Each required different preparation. We used Character Education at breakfast and I read Lessons in Responsibility or had the kids read it on their own as part of their individual work. Take some time today to prepare your character study.
#4 Prep personal reading
My deepest desire is for my children to have a personal relationship with Jesus. If I teach them that Bible time is something we only do for school as a family, that’s less likely to happen. I have Bible reading listed as one of my children’s daily tasks in their planners, choose an age-appropriate Bible for them, and make sure it’s kept in a place that’s most convenient for reading. I wrote more about devotional time here.
Blessings on your planning this week! I would love for you to like my Facebook page, so we can chat about the Bible curriculum you love.
Here is the July Organized Homeschool Calendar and a list of previous weeks’ challenges:
Organized Homeschool Challenge
Week 1: Daily Devotions Challenge
Week 2: Daily Routine Challenge
Week 4: Memory Keeping Challenge
Week 5: The Decluttering Challenge
Week 6: The Organized Computer Challenge
Week 7: The Marriage of Your Dreams Challenge
Week 8: The Confident Parent Challenge
Week 9: The Extended Family Challenge
Week 10: The Bring on the Spring Challenge
Week 11: The Spring Cleaning Challenge
Week 12: The Organized Easter Challenge
Week 13: The Serve the Church Challenge
Week 15: The Organize Your Finances Challenge
Week 16: The Curriculum Challenge
Week 17: The Friendship Challenge
Week 18: The Family Celebrations Challenge
Week 19: The Organized Clothing Challenge
Week 20: The Organized Vacation Challenge
Week 21: The Organized Summer Challenge
Week 22: The Outdoor Activity Challenge
Week 23: The Used Curriculum Challenge
Week 24: The Homeschool Space Challenge
Week 25: The Goal Setting Challenge
Week 26: The Homeschool Planning Challenge