It’s the time of year to gather up the curriculum you used and loved or didn’t and make space for the new. As I write, I am surrounded by boxes of books and materials that I plan to either sell or give away. I am hiring one of my teen sons to help with the process, hopeful that I can get everything in order for my oldest son’s graduation party. Before you take this week’s challenge, I recommend you read The Best Places to Buy, Borrow, Sell, or Donate Used Curriculum. Then take these steps:
#1 Review dates and curriculum needs
Do you have used book sales in your area? Mark them on your calendar. Signing up to sell your books may be just the motivation you need to get them together if you don’t have a party to prepare for like I do. You should also review your curriculum needs that you identified (hopefully) in April.
#2 Cull unwanted curriculum
This may take you more than 15 minutes. You will want to go through all your curriculum and books that you didn’t declutter earlier this year and separate it from the materials you plan to keep using.
#3 Prepare material for sale or giveaway
This is another step that may take you quite a while. If you are going to sell your books, you will spend time pricing items. This can be time-consuming as you look up comparable prices. Giving away books may take you more or less time depending on where you have chosen to donate them. If your kids are old enough to help you, please let them!
#4 Sell or buy used curriculum
You may not be able to complete this step this week, but now is the perfect time for buying and selling those used books. I believe prayer is important for this step. Pray that you can find what you need at the right price and would be able to help your used books make it to the right owner.
What is your preferred way of handling used curriculum?
Here is next month’s Organized Homeschool Calendar and a list of previous challenges : Organized Homeschool Challenge Week 1: Daily Devotions Challenge Week 2: Daily Routine Challenge Week 3: To-Do List Challenge Week 4: Memory Keeping Challenge Week 5: The Decluttering Challenge Week 6: The Organized Computer Challenge Week 7: The Marriage of Your Dreams Challenge Week 8: The Confident Parent Challenge Week 9: The Extended Family Challenge Week 10: The Bring on the Spring Challenge Week 11: The Spring Cleaning Challenge Week 12: The Organized Easter Challenge Week 13: The Serve the Church Challenge Week 14: The Chore Challenge Week 15: The Organize Your Finances Challenge Week 16: The Curriculum Challenge Week 17: The Friendship Challenge Week 18: The Family Celebrations Challenge Week 19: The Organized Clothing Challenge Week 20: The Organized Vacation Challenge Week 21: The Organized Summer Challenge Week 22: The Outdoor Activity Challenge
This is a timely challenge. I’m planning on working on this challenge this weekend. Or at least get it started. And some of the other challenges caught my eye, so I need to catch up on your posts. 🙂
How’s it going, Audra? Have you been feeling well enough to work on your used books?