The thing about most homeschoolers is we aren’t home all that often. We love getting involved in classes, sports, and educational activities. Our biggest problem isn’t finding these opportunities; it’s deciding which to participate in!
This week we will get organized for these extra-curricular activities so they don’t overwhelm us at the beginning of the traditional school year.
#1 Discuss potential activities
I don’t recommend that you start with research. Overwhelm is the inevitable result of checking out every possibility. Talk with the kids about their ideas, but share yours, too. Parents are the ones who have to drive to activities, hang out during activities, and pay for the activities! Pray about the opportunities that will put the least stress on your family and may even be something you could enjoy together.
Our family has participated in a homeschool P.E. class for years. Everyone enjoys it and I have made numerous friends through it.
#2 Research
Once you have a short list of interests, find out what is available in your area and when. I find our homeschool support group invaluable for this kind of information. You can get the details and reviews of opportunities.
As you are making some decisions, try to combine outside activities on one or two days and see if allowances can be made to include younger siblings in the same classes to save you time. This summer, my four sons have been playing tennis on two times. My oldest son drives his brother to matches, all his brothers to practice (which is at the same time), leaving just one match we have to drive to. If only every activity could be that easy!
#3 Register
When you’ve made your final decisions, get registered. Fill out paperwork and pay any dues. Don’t put it off! I will never forget dragging four little ones to register for classes that were closed because I was at the end of the line. Don’t let this happen to you!
#4 Shop
Some classes will have a materials list. Others are sports that may require appropriate clothing or equipment. Shop today for these supplies or add them to your shopping list for your regular errand day.
Be sure to check the Organized Homeschool Pinterest board for great ideas for extra-curricular organization.
Here is the July Organized Homeschool Calendar and a list of previous weeks’ challenges:
Organized Homeschool Challenge
Week 1: Daily Devotions Challenge
Week 2: Daily Routine Challenge
Week 4: Memory Keeping Challenge
Week 5: The Decluttering Challenge
Week 6: The Organized Computer Challenge
Week 7: The Marriage of Your Dreams Challenge
Week 8: The Confident Parent Challenge
Week 9: The Extended Family Challenge
Week 10: The Bring on the Spring Challenge
Week 11: The Spring Cleaning Challenge
Week 12: The Organized Easter Challenge
Week 13: The Serve the Church Challenge
Week 15: The Organize Your Finances Challenge
Week 16: The Curriculum Challenge
Week 17: The Friendship Challenge
Week 18: The Family Celebrations Challenge
Week 19: The Organized Clothing Challenge
Week 20: The Organized Vacation Challenge
Week 21: The Organized Summer Challenge
Week 22: The Outdoor Activity Challenge
Week 23: The Used Curriculum Challenge
Week 24: The Homeschool Space Challenge
Week 25: The Goal Setting Challenge
Week 26: The Homeschool Planning Challenge
Week 27: The Bible Time Challenge
Week 28: Special Study Prep Challenge