Don’t worry. We aren’t going to start decorating this week (unless you really want to!). Instead, we’re going to get our Christmas decorating organized. You know those years when you went to decorate the tree and none of the lights worked or you had plans to make something you saw on Pinterest and then…well, you know what happened. This year it won’t with a few simple steps you can take now.
#1 Get out decorations and sort
The first step is a tough one, I’ll admit. Get out your Christmas decorations and sort them according to what room they’ll go in. You’ll put them in labeled bags and boxes, but first get rid of anything you haven’t used in at least two years that isn’t sentimental. If everything is sentimental (you know who you are), put items you aren’t sure about releasing in a box marked “Declutter Christmas 2015.” If you don’t miss it by next year’s decorating season, bless someone else with it. You may want to take pictures of these items to keep, rather than the items themselves.
This is also the time to recycle decorations that are broken or that need updating.
#2 Research ideas
Would you like to freshen up your decorations this year? Check out Pinterest for ideas. You’ll find everything from elaborate displays that would require Martha Stewart to employ dozens of artisans to simple ways of using what you already own. Let the kids help you as their opinion matters the most, doesn’t it? I’ve pinned some great ideas for you to check out on the Organized Homeschool board.
#3 Shop for pre-made decorations and craft supplies
Yes, the stores are stocked with everything you need for Christmas decorations. Would you have been better off buying everything at the end of the season last year? Maybe. You can save money, but the stores were also packed with people with the same idea. If you shop now, you’ll have a great selection and you won’t have to fight the crowds. If you choose to wait to shop until post-season, block off time for this on your calendar now.
If you want to make some Christmas decorations with the kids (if you’re like me, there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to, but you’ll be glad later that you did), now is the time to gather what you need. I get really frustrated when the supplies I need are sold out. Don’t let this happen to you! The good news is that many of these supplies are on sale now. Check the paper or your favorite store’s website or app for coupons.
#4 Make homemade decorations
If you’d rather wait until after Thanksgiving to make Christmas crafts, please do. I just know that I have a tendency to think I’m too busy to make them and put off the whole process until next year. Whenever you make them, remember that glue washes off (usually), but memories last. Enjoy yourself and you’ll be ready whenever you choose to decorate.
Speaking of that, when do you normally decorate for Christmas? Leave me a comment below.
Follow Dr. Melanie Wilson @psychowith6’s board Organized Homeschool on Pinterest.
Here is the November printable Organized Homeschool calendar and a list of previous challenges:
Organized Homeschool Challenge
Week 1: Daily Devotions Challenge
Week 2: Daily Routine Challenge
Week 4: Memory Keeping Challenge
Week 5: The Decluttering Challenge
Week 6: The Organized Computer Challenge
Week 7: The Marriage of Your Dreams Challenge
Week 8: The Confident Parent Challenge
Week 9: The Extended Family Challenge
Week 10: The Bring on the Spring Challenge
Week 11: The Spring Cleaning Challenge
Week 12: The Organized Easter Challenge
Week 13: The Serve the Church Challenge
Week 15: The Organize Your Finances Challenge
Week 16: The Curriculum Challenge
Week 17: The Friendship Challenge
Week 18: The Family Celebrations Challenge
Week 19: The Organized Clothing Challenge
Week 20: The Organized Vacation Challenge
Week 21: The Organized Summer Challenge
Week 22: The Outdoor Activity Challenge
Week 23: The Used Curriculum Challenge
Week 24: The Homeschool Space Challenge
Week 25: The Goal Setting Challenge
Week 26: The Homeschool Planning Challenge
Week 27: The Bible Time Challenge
Week 28: The Special Study Prep Challenge
Week 29: The Extra-Curricular Challenge
Week 30: The Core Curriculum Prep Challenge
Week 31: The Elective Curriculum Challenge
Week 32: The Back to School Challenge
Week 33: The Fall Bucket List Challenge
Week 34: The Organized Bedroom Challenge
Week 35: The Clean Out the Pantry Challenge
Week 36: The Meal Planning Challenge
Week 37: The Grocery Shopping Challenge
Week 38: The Organized Kitchen Challenge
Week 39: The Freezer Cooking Challenge
Week 40: The Hospitality Challenge
Week 41: The Blog or Business Challenge
Week 43: The Charity Challenge
Week 44: The Thanksgiving Challenge
Week 45: The Christmas Plan Challenge